Results for 'Natal ia Mikhailovna Pirumova'

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  1. Mikhail Bakhtin's life and philosophical idea.Natal’ia Konstantinova Bonetskaia - 2003 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 43 (1):5-34.
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    Mystical Experience in the Spectrum of Altered States of Consciousness: Overlapping Discourses of Theology and Secular Sciences.Yuliya Mikhailovna Duplinskaya & Mark Vladimirovich Shugurov - 2022 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 10:25-53.
    The subject of the study is the mystical experience as a kind of altered states of consciousness. The purpose of the article is to solve at the conceptual level the problem of distinguishing genuine mystical experience and various kinds of surrogate states with quasi-mystical content. The theoretical basis for solving this problem was the study of the panorama of moments of divergence and convergence of discourses of the humanities and natural sciences, as well as theology. In the course of the (...)
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    Assessment of export flows of the Russian Federation to the EAEU countries using gravity modeling.Maria Mikhailovna Tsvil & Ariana Olegovna Kusaya - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):68-72.
    The article is devoted to the identification of factors influencing the export trade flows of the Russian Federation to the EAEU member states. Gravity modeling (H. Linnemann's model) was used as a research tool. The introduction of dummy variables is justified. A comparative analysis of the identified factors is presented. A forecast of export trade flows of the Russian Federation to the EAEU countries for 2020-2022 has been made.
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    Typologization of modern concepts of metaphilosophy.Alina Mikhailovna Mironova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the concepts of "metaphilosophy" in the works of several modern domestic and foreign scientists-metaphilosophists. The relevance of the article is due to the presence of a variety of metaphilosophical concepts, which, pursuing one common goal – to understand and explain what philosophy is, come to different and often contradictory conclusions. The article aims to compare the metaphilosophical concepts of domestic and foreign authors (T. I. Oizerman, M. K. Mamardashvili, J. Deleuze and F. Guattari, T. (...)
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    Fenomen grammaticheskoĭ lakunarnosti: kognitivnyĭ i lingvopragmaticheskiĭ aspekty.Oksana Mikhaĭlovna Akaĭ - 2019 - Rostov-na-Donu: Fond nauki i obrazovanii︠a︡.
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    Integrated application of strategic analysis methods.Elena Mikhailovna Akimova & Tatiana Nikolaevna Kisel - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):10-16.
    The purpose of the study is to propose the author's approach to the complex application of strategic analysis methods based on SWOT analysis. The article discusses the well-known and presented in various sources methods of strategic analysis. Special attention is paid to SWOT-analysis, various points of view on its role are investigated. The scientific novelty lies in the determination of the logical connection between the methods of strategic analysis and SWOT-analysis and the development of the author's approach to the procedure (...)
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    The phenomenon of the chess game in the art of the XX century.Irina Mikhailovna Balbekova - 2022 - Философия И Культура 5:1-11.
    This article examines the history of the creation of game theory as a phenomenon of culture and art. Contribution of theorists and artists of the twentieth century in the formation of game theory, its place in modern art criticism and philosophy. The significance and influence of the personality of Marcel Duchamp, surrealist artists in creating a modern understanding of the game in art and in life. The subject of the research in this article is such concepts as the game and (...)
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    T︠S︡ennostnyĭ mir sovremennogo cheloveka.Diana Mikhaĭlovna Bulynko, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Danilov & David Genrikhovich Rotman (eds.) - 2009 - Minsk: BGU.
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    Psikhologii︠a︡ telesnosti: lichnostnyĭ podkhod.Valentina Mikhaĭlovna Byzova - 2020 - Sankt-Peterburg: Skifii︠a︡ print.
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  10. Antichnye teorii i︠a︡zyka i stili︠a︡.Olʹga Mikhailovna Freldenberg (ed.) - 1936
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    Ways to form a favorable emotional background in the English language lesson as a health-saving factor in distance learning.Veronika Mikhailovna Grebennikova, Larisa Ulfatovna Badrtdinova & Irina Gennadievna Galushko - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):213-217.
    The article describes techniques for organizing an English lesson that help reduce stress and increase students ' motivation. Comprehensive and continuous use of the described methods is the most important condition for a comfortable stress-free environment in the classroom, which forms a healthy and successful student. The article also contains recommendations for creating a comfortable emotional background in the English lesson by means of special mini-exercises, games, and chants aimed at attracting students attention.
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  12. Predmet nauki: sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskiĭ aspekt problemy.Liudmila Mikhailovna Kosareva - 1977 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Development of business ecosystems in modern conditions.Elena Mikhailovna Puchkova, Irina Viktorovna Sinitsyna & Olga Nikolaevna Nikulina - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):90-95.
    The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the formation and functioning of Russian business ecosystems in modern conditions, to identify their main advantages and disadvantages, to propose ways to solve problems caused by a radical change in the digital space. The article examines the prerequisites for the emergence of business ecosystems, the features of their legal regulation, analyzes the options for organizational and technological structures, the problems of interaction of all participants in the process. Scientific novelty (...)
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    Authentic video content as a means of teaching foreign language listening.Larisa Mikhailovna Spynu - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):299-303.
    The purpose of the study is to develop and describe the author's model of teaching foreign language listening using authentic video content. As a result, the author presents a six-stage model, which includes content-goal-setting, two activity-technological, two control-evaluative and revising-target stages, concretized through the system of communicative tasks. The novelty of the study lies in the identification of the linguo-methodological potential of authentic video content for teaching foreign language listening and modeling this process on the basis of the corresponding principles (...)
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  15. Problema cheloveka vo frant︠s︡uzskom ėkzistent︠s︡ializme: Kritich. analiz.Gaiane Mikhailovna Tavrizian - 1977 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Underway to suprematism: comparative analysis of the works of Kazimir Malevich of 1913–1914.Ekaterina Mikhailovna Tolstikhina - 2021 - Философия И Культура 10:33-42.
    The subject of this research is the works of Kazimir Malevich of the period 1913–1914. Despite numerous scientific works and articles dedicated to the works of K. Malevich, the period of his becoming requires clarification. The object of this research is the Russian avant-garde art of 1913 – 1914. The author dwells on the compositional principles in the painter’s works of this period. Special attention is given to the colorful shapes and geometric elements underlying the compositions of his paintings. Analysis (...)
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    Analysis of import flows of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan from the EAEU countries using a gravitational model.Maria Mikhailovna Tsvil & Ariana Olegovna Kusaya - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):122-126.
    The purpose of the study is to identify quantitative and qualitative factors affecting the import flows of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan from the EAEU member states using gravity modeling. The article analyzes the identification of quantitative and qualitative factors that affect the value of import trade flows of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan from the EAEU member countries. The research toolkit is H. Linnemann's gravitational model. Gravity models of import trade flows of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan with each EAEU member country (...)
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    Spet︠s︡ifika filosofskoĭ refleksii.Tamara Mikhaĭlovna Tuzova - 2001 - Minsk: Pravo i ėkonomika.
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  19. (1 other version)Funkt︠s︡ionalʹnai︠a︡ semantika ot︠s︡enki.Elena Mikhaĭlovna Volʹf - 1985 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by G. V. Stepanov.
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  20. The Protein Ontology: A structured representation of protein forms and complexes.Darren Natale, Cecilia N. Arighi, Winona C. Barker, Judith A. Blake, Carol J. Bult, Michael Caudy, Harold J. Drabkin, Peter D’Eustachio, Alexei V. Evsikov, Hongzhan Huang, Jules Nchoutmboube, Natalia V. Roberts, Barry Smith, Jian Zhang & Cathy H. Wu - 2011 - Nucleic Acids Research 39 (1):D539-D545.
    The Protein Ontology (PRO) provides a formal, logically-based classification of specific protein classes including structured representations of protein isoforms, variants and modified forms. Initially focused on proteins found in human, mouse and Escherichia coli, PRO now includes representations of protein complexes. The PRO Consortium works in concert with the developers of other biomedical ontologies and protein knowledge bases to provide the ability to formally organize and integrate representations of precise protein forms so as to enhance accessibility to results of protein (...)
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  21. Framework for a protein ontology.Darren A. Natale, Cecilia N. Arighi, Winona Barker, Judith Blake, Ti-Cheng Chang, Zhangzhi Hu, Hongfang Liu, Barry Smith & Cathy H. Wu - 2007 - BMC Bioinformatics 8 (Suppl 9):S1.
    Biomedical ontologies are emerging as critical tools in genomic and proteomic research where complex data in disparate resources need to be integrated. A number of ontologies exist that describe the properties that can be attributed to proteins; for example, protein functions are described by Gene Ontology, while human diseases are described by Disease Ontology. There is, however, a gap in the current set of ontologies—one that describes the protein entities themselves and their relationships. We have designed a PRotein Ontology (PRO) (...)
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    Exceeding Our Grasp: Curricular Change and the Challenge to the Assumptive World.Samuel M. Natale & Sebastian A. Sora - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (1):79-85.
    The recent global economic collapse brings new calls for reform and change as well as a re-examination of the ethical foundations underpining it. Most professors as well as students remain profoundly unhappy with the Business Curricula. The curricula appear to swing between technological training and academic theory. There is little genuine focus on the central issue of the problem: the students’ and faculty’s assumptive world which drives the selection of the materials chosen for presentation as well as the decision-making process. (...)
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    Higher Education and Wealth Equity: Calibrating the Moral Compass Empathy, Ethics, and the Trained Will.Samuel M. Natale & Anthony F. Libertella - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (1):35-47.
    This paper will argue the importance of the creation of a moral compass, driven by empathy and a rigorously trained will in higher education leadership to develop a tighter relationship between higher education and wealth equity. We will explore the foundational documents that first discussed these issues within a global context. Further, We explore how these goals, enhanced by insights promulgated by the United Nations, can be achieved by teaching empathy, developing a moral compass and training the will.
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  24. Protein Ontology: A controlled structured network of protein entities.A. Natale Darren, N. Arighi Cecilia, A. Blake Judith, J. Bult Carol, R. Christie Karen, Cowart Julie, D’Eustachio Peter, D. Diehl Alexander, J. Drabkin Harold, Helfer Olivia, Barry Smith & Others - 2013 - Nucleic Acids Research 42 (1):D415-21..
    The Protein Ontology (PRO; formally defines protein entities and explicitly represents their major forms and interrelations. Protein entities represented in PRO corresponding to single amino acid chains are categorized by level of specificity into family, gene, sequence and modification metaclasses, and there is a separate metaclass for protein complexes. All metaclasses also have organism-specific derivatives. PRO complements established sequence databases such as UniProtKB, and interoperates with other biomedical and biological ontologies such as the Gene Ontology (GO). PRO relates to (...)
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    Ethics and enterprise.Samuel M. Natale - 1983 - Journal of Business Ethics 2 (1):43 - 49.
    This paper summarizes three major approaches to the problem of business ethics. Comparisons and contrasts are drawn between the moralistic approach of Berhman, the social contract theory of Nash, and a comprehensive systems approach as articulated by Elbing. In the final section, some attempt is made to indicate how these models may be implemented into managerial policy decision making process by the use of group work and ascending communication. Some consideration of using organizational structure to implement ethical concerns is indicated.
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    From Hippocrates to HIPPA: The Collapse of the Assumptive World.Samuel Michael Natale - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):127-131.
    This paper studies the developments in the ethical concerns for physicians (Business Concerns) and job satisfaction contigent upon changes in Physicians’ assumptive world.
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    Online Education: Values Dilemma in Business and the Search for Empathic Engagement.S. M. Natale & A. F. Libertella - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1):175-184.
    Online education lacks the moral and ethical engagement as well as the empathic interactions that are essential and integral to true liberal education, including business. While the online venue can provide useful information and put libraries at the hands of the student or employee, there is an implicit lack of focus on the sacredness and centrality of the person, his or her values, attitudes, needs, and expectations. The focus of online education is on the delivery of data, not the student’s (...)
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    Platón y el problema de la política.Nicolás Di Natale - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0105.
    El presente artículo recorre la lectura arendtiana de Platón guiada a partir de las anotaciones y reflexiones de la autora alemana bosquejadas en el Denktagebuch, 1950 bis 1973. Si bien, la figura de Platón a sido recurrentemente evocada en diferentes trabajos de Arendt, aquí nos detendremos a hilvanar lo que denominó como el problema de la tradición del pensamiento político occidental, es decir, la hostilidad de la filosofía para con la política.
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    For-Profit Education: The Sleep of Ethical Reason.Samuel M. Natale, Anthony F. Libertella & Caroline J. Doran - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):415-421.
    This article argues the philosophical concerns and foundational challenges raised by a for-profit model of education. The for-profit model is governed by a business paradigm, without reference to the context in which it is found. The authors explore primary ethical questions and challenges presented by this model. As such, they present potential solutions to the growing problem in higher education as a corporate entity. The authors introduce a potential model for analysis of the issues and suggest an interventional technique with (...)
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    University Quarter as a form of cultural interaction between the University and the city.Natal'ya Vladimirovna Baraboshina, Larisa Gennad'evna Ilivitskaya & Ivan Viktorovich Stepanov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The object of the study is the university quarter as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The subject of the study is the forms of cultural interaction between the university quarter and the city. The use of comparative and typological methods made it possible to identify and describe four forms of university presence in the city space, grouped around two basic directions. The first direction assumes the priority of the university in relation to the city, which gives rise to such a form of (...)
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  31. Introduction.Samuel M. Natale - 1988 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 63 (1):5-5.
  32. Assessing student learning.Ari Bader-Natal, Rena Levitt & Vicki Chandler - 2017 - In Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey, Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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  33. Building lesson plans for 21st century active learning.Ari Bader-Natal, Joshua Fost & James Genone - 2017 - In Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey, Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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  34. The active learning forum.Ari Bader-Natal, Jonathan Katzman & Matt Regan - 2017 - In Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey, Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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    Pʻilosopʻia.Ia Beriże - 2007 - Tʻbilisi: Gamomcʻemloba "Universali". Edited by Nato Gogiašvili.
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  36. Erkenntnis und Existenz.Natale Bizzotto - 1972 - Wien,: Verl. Notring.
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    Metaontologii︠a︡ i ontologii︠a︡ v analiticheskoĭ filosofii XX-XXI vekov.Natalʹi︠a︡ Aleksandrovna Blokhina - 2021 - Moskva: Kanon-Pli︠u︡s.
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    Problema povsednevnosti i istoricheskoe poznanie v sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskom kontekste: monografii︠a︡.Natalʹi︠a︡ Grigorʹevna Bondarenko - 2020 - Stavropolʹ: [Izdatelʹstvo SKFU].
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    Income Inequality and Adolescent Gambling Severity: Findings from a Large-Scale Italian Representative Survey.Natale Canale, Alessio Vieno, Michela Lenzi, Mark D. Griffiths, Alberto Borraccino, Giacomo Lazzeri, Patrizia Lemma, Luca Scacchi & Massimo Santinello - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Octavian and Orestes in Pausanias.Natale Cecioni - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (02):506-.
    M. J. Dewar argues that in Georg. 1.511–4 Virgil may have been drawing a disquieting parallel between Orestes, evoked through an imitation of Aeschylus , and Octavian, present a few lines above . Pausanias probably supports this suggestion; he shows that the link Octavian-Orestes existed quite early and in a sense favourable to Octavian, even though it may soon have been used in a negative sense by anti-Caesarian propaganda on account of the dark side of the myth. In front of (...)
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    L'uomo e il suo mondo.Natale Colafati - 2000 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino.
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    L'estraneo e il comune: profili filosofici del Novecento da Dewey a Ricoeur.Ferruccio De Natale & Annalisa Caputo (eds.) - 2007 - Bari: Progedit.
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    La fenomenologia e i due irrazionalismi.Ferruccio De Natale - 1980 - Bari: Dedalo libri.
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    Per una teoria dell'ascolto musicale: tra soglie vegetative e immaginario eccentrico.Marco De Natale - 2015 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Tra ethos e oikos: studi su Husserl, Heidegger e Jonas.Ferruccio De Natale - 2001 - Bari: Palomar.
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  46. Tra linguaggi e silenzi: riflessioni filosofiche.Ferruccio De Natale (ed.) - 2004 - Bari: Adriatica.
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    Projeções da Revolução Mexicana na América Latina no pós 1917: o caso brasileiro.Natally Vieira Dias - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (2):04.
    Este artigo analisa a projeção continental do México revolucionário no pós 1917 a partir do caso brasileiro. Após a eclosão da Revolução Russa, o modelo bolchevique passou a rivalizar indiretamente com o protagonismo que o México revolucionário pretendia exercer no cenário latino-americano. Assim, a ideia de um “autoctonismo continental” passou a ser enfatizada na propaganda mexicana como elemento que faria da Revolução Mexicana um modelo mais apropriado de transformação social para os países latino-americanos. Discutimos neste artigo os aspectos tomados pela (...)
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  48.  14
    La melancolía como konstruktion histórica.Nicolás Di Natale - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 95:401-412.
    En su último trabajo el historiador Enzo Traverso afirma que las utopías del siglo XX han desaparecido dejando un presente cargado de memoria pero impotente a la hora de proyectarse en el futuro (Traverso, 2018: 34). La era actual del presentismo histórico, tal como lo denomina François Hartog, momifica toda experiencia pasada despojando el potencial revolucionario y, a su vez, anulando la posibilidad de un futuro emancipador ante la inmanencia de lo mismo. Esa fuerza histórica totalitaria se nos presenta como (...)
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  49. Chelovek--li︠u︡di︠a︡m.Natalʹi︠a︡ Grigorʹevna Dolinina - 1961
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  50. Protiv ėgoizma i ėgoistov.Natalʹi︠a︡ Grigorʹevna Dolinina - 1961
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